To evolve from apes 7 hrs
Homo Sapiens so far 10mins
Human history 30secs
1000 years 3secs
I year 3msec

Cave paintings from Chauvet The last Ice age 30,000 BC
Earth formation 15By - 3.5By
After the Big Bang, matter forms first galaxies. Clouds of Hydrogen in the galaxies collapse and spin up until fusion is ignited to form the sun. Debry is the spinning disk accrete driven by gravity, until they are pulled spherical and form planets. A massive collision with a meteor creates the moon. 1By after Earth is formed, life appears.

Life starts 3.5By - 205My Bacteria evolve to marine animals and move onto land
3.5 years BC Stromatolites form early bacteria life
3-400,000,000 years Oil created from marine deposits over 1 My
5-250,000,000 years Grand Canyon deposited
3-200,000,000 years Single continent of Pangea

Age of Dinosaurs 205My - 66My
Dinosaurs take over for 150My and have roughly 80% DNA in common with Humans
205,000,000 years J-T extinction volcano decimated marine life
100,000,000 years CO2 levels 2-3x today, temps +10C with no polar ice.
66,000,000 years K-T extinction meteorite eliminates dinosaurs

Age of Mammals 66My - 8Ky
66,000,000 years Mammal species explode, birds evolve as the survivors of the dinosaur line.
7,000,000 years Hominids split from Great Apes
400,000 years Start of the 4 ice ages with a 100,000 year period driven by changes in orbital eccentricity that affect the Earth-sun distance (Milkantivitch Cycles).
200,000 years Homo Sapiens emerges after nearly 7M years of evolution with 99.5% DNA from the common Great Ape ancestor.
70,000 Homo Sapiens hunter gatherers leave Africa.
50,000 Aboriginals populate Australia
30,000 Cave paintings in Chauvet, France.
11,000 Americas first populated.
8,000 End of last Ice Age that covered US, UK and Fertile Crescent with ice Sculls of the evolving Hominids at the Cradle of Humanity in Johannesburg


Fertile crescent 7500 - 3000 BC birth of agriculture
Settled agriculture was developed using domesticated animals and crops. The key was that once each farmer could grow more food than they needed, the excess enabled the Sumerian ruling class with the resources to establish civilization. Generally regarded as part of the Stone Age.
Sumerian reed huts Pot from Uruk 3200 BC

Classical Egypt 3000-300BC - religion of the immortals.
Religious evolve as a ethnic identity, membership driven by competing invasions.
The uniquely fertile Nile river creates great wealth for the Pharoe "god-kings". Their religion centers on their immortality through mummification and very fancy burials. The god-kings self funded temples and burials in their own honor, projecting their power to the general population. The Egyptian pantheon was populated by gods who had supernatural powers and were called on for help or protection. After death, the spiritual aspects were released from the body and could move at will, but they required the physical remains (or a substitute, such as a statue) as a permanent home. Wealthy Egyptians were buried with larger quantities of luxury items, but all burials, regardless of social status, included goods for the deceased. Abu Simbel was a temple to honor Ramases II, built by Ramases II.
The tomb of Tutankamun was one of the only tombs that was not sacked by the priests of Arun who came to power in 300 BC, and knew the locations of the tombs in Valley of the Kings.
Elsewhere, the Dead Sea Scrolls were written sometime from 1-3000 BC. In the Fertile Crescent, Babylon was the largest city in the world c. 1770 – c. 1670 BC, and again c. 612 – c. 320 BC with Zoroastrianism as their religion. By 500 BC, Buddism and Juadeism were gaining support. In the UK, Stonehenge was built as an astronomical observatory. Generally regarded as covering the Iron and Bronze Ages.
Abu Simbel Tutankhamun Preparing for the after-life

Greek enlightenment 300 BC-27AD - Early science and trans-continental trade over the Silk road.
Starting in 600 BC, many Greek cities formed Republics typically run by elected community elders in a fledgling democracy. These cities supported some of the earliest scientific inquiries for example; in geometry by Pythogoras and Euclid, in theoretical astronomy by Aristarcus and medicine by Hippocrates. At the same time, trans-continental trade over the Silk Road to the far east and India, and the Incense Route to Africa and Arabia brought exotic goods. Petra stood at a crossroads of these routes and brought wealth to the Nabateans, a semi nomadic Arabian tribe that ran many of the trans Arabia routes. The Greeks under Alexander the Great took over Egypt, and then the Romans took over the Greeks and started a brief period of Roman Republic democracy.
The idea that the Earth circled the sun - "Heliocentric universe" - was first proposed by Aristarcus. "His (Aristarcus) hypotheses are that the fixed stars and the sun remain unmoved, that the earth revolves about the sun on the circumference of a circle, the sun lying in the middle of the orbit" in "The Sand Reckoner" by Archimedes.
Elsewhere, Chinese rulers took the Terracotta Army with them in the afterlife, and discovered the compass.
Pynx site of Athens public democracy Euclid Petra

Middle Ages 27 -1400 AD - struggle for domination between religions.
The Middle Ages were a series of conflicts between rulers from different religions. It started with Roman emperors taking over most of Europe and the Middle East at the zenith of the Roman empire. Waves of Christian and Islamic invasions followed. “Batalha de Aljubarrota 02” by Jean d’Wavrin showed a battle of Portugal & England vs. France. The rulers demonstrated their power and religiosity through progressively more spectacular cathedrals. Culminating with the Gothic masterpieces in Isle de Paris, Winchester, Rouen etc. The church of Sainte Chappelle in the Isle de France Paris, was designed to upstage Aachen Cathederal, in turn to upstage the Basilica San Vitale. The first signs of protections for individual rights appeared In England with the Magna Carta. Samarkand, in Uzbekistan north of Iran, became the center of Islamic scholarship.
Meanwhile, the sun worshipping civilizations in the Americas (Aztecs, Incas, Mayans) were building substantial temples. Also Hindu temples were being built in India and Cambodia (Ankor Wat). Polynesians were taking over in the Pacific, and the Buddist Golden Temple in Kyoto was built. In China, there were numerous struggles between local warlords. From 618-907 AD, the Tang dynasty was a golden age of Chinese civilization, a prosperous, stable, and creative period with significant developments in most notably printing. Buddhism became the predominant religion. Chang'an (modern Xi'an), the national capital, was the largest city in the world during its time.
Batalha de Aljubarrota Winchester Sainte Chappelle Hagia Sophia

Renaissance 1450-1766 AD - Science and art flourishes, world empires are created through exploration.
The Renaissance flourished in the Republic of Florence a community run by a series of oligarch families elected by a small group of power brokers. The Medichi's supported a new breed of open thinkers, such as Leonardo Da Vinchi, Michaelangelo, etc. Leonardo Da Vinchi (1452-1549 AD) predates Copernicus heliocentric theory, Dutch Masters. Galileo (1564-1642 AD) still fell foul of the Catholic Church dogma for championing Copernicus's ideas, and even in 1859 Darwin imposed a self imposed delay in Origin of Species possibly due to religious pressure with debate continued through the Scopes monkey trial in 1925, until today.
The competition between European powers changed to empire building through exploration. Discovery by Columbus, Magellan, and Drake followed by invasions by Cortes, Cartier, the Pilgrims and others led to slavery and mass genocide of native populations in the name of commerce and religious conversion.
Michaelangelo Copernicus Dutch masters Trial of Galileo

Democratic revolutions 1766 - 2020 AD - starting in US, France & UK.
Improvements in the wealth and education of the working people increased the pressure for representative government. It started with limited, whites and male only, democracy after revolutions in the US in 1776 and France in 1799. Scientific evolution driven by education and funding increasing the number participants - enabled by democracy
In the US, it took the Civil War in 1861-5 to abolish slavery, and the civil rights movement in 1970 for equal voting rights. It was until 1994 that South Africa, the last country with formal minority racist rule, had universal voting. France cycled from Republic to Empire before settling on democracy in the 1900's. In 1802, the UK moved to male only democracy under a constitutional monarchy. In the early 1900's, women got the vote and democracy spread around the world as the European empires collapsed.
From 1914-1945, Two world wars pitted the expansionist goals of autocracies against the rest of the world, leaving USA as the worlds undamaged dominant economic power.
From 1945 -1989, post war Europe was divided by the "Iron curtain" forming a USSR communist sphere of influence. In Korea and Vietnam the struggle was between democracy and Chinese communism. The fall of the Wall and death of Mao saw the end of expansionist communism.
As communism declined, Islamic purists reemerged resisting external influences which resulted the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, the rejection of USSR by Afghanistan in 1989, the attack on the Twin Towers in 2000, and subsequent entanglement of the USA in Afghanistan, and Iran.
Russia resorted to an autocracy under Putin, culminating in the failed invasion of Ukraine in 2022 which showed the degradation of their military under autocratic control.
The astonishing Industrial, Scientific and Technological revolutions in the 20th century were centered on the Western Democracies. Unconstrained capitalism, particularly in technology, has given rise to a new class of uber-rich oligarchs with great influence.
US Revolution French Revolution Moon rise DNA

Sustainable Earth Era 2020 AD -
At the current use rate, and known reserves we will run out of oil and gas around 2050-2060.
Around 2020, the world finally came to accept that CO2 from burning fossil fuels was having a catastrophic impact on climate. The potential for problems was first identified by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. In 1988, James Hansen, then the director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, stated to the U.S. Senate Energy committee “The greenhouse effect has been detected, and it is changing our climate now.” in 2015, the Paris Accords were first effort at International action. Political posturing and the fossil fuel businesses minimized the impact of the Accords. By 2022, the impacts of climate change were affecting every corner of the earth through extreme weather and changes in the distribution of water. For example, major rivers are drying out, glaciers disappearing, along with massive floods. The measured greenhouse effect shown in the graph below is around 1C per 50 ppm in CO2, in spectacular agreement with Arrhenius's original estimate of 1.5C.
Governments started to make substantial investments in technology for clean energy. The question in 2022 is how bad will it get before the world is able to stabilize the climate ? Sea levels in the Cretaceous, just before the dinosaurs disappeared around 100M years ago, with no polar ice were 1-200m higher with 1-2000ppm CO2 and a 10C temp rise. By calculation, it is estimated that if all glaciers melted there would be 70m of sea level rise. In the short term it is estimated that by 2100 the rise will be 1-2m, probably 10x higher when ice melt equilibrates after 500+ years.

Geological evolution driven by continental drift and changes in orbital eccentricity that affect the Earth-sun distance (Milkantivitch Cycles).
Animal evolution - driven by mutation rate - 7M years and 0.5% DNA change are benchmarks for a new species.
Religions and language evolve as a common ethnic identity, membership driven by competing invasions.
Scientific evolution driven by education and funding increasing the number participants - enabled by democracy.
Our history shows the constant struggle for power between different communities. The earliest communities were held together by common beliefs about life and death that were dominated observations of the cycles of sun and moon, supported by detailed fact free myths. These arbitrary belief systems were then modified over time by a progressively better factual understanding of reality, leading to modern technological society. The absence of a factual basis helps the leaders of the communities to keep power with belief systems that are rigid and unvarying, and by opposing any new views of reality. The process of understanding reality is encouraged when power is shared rather controlled.
The power of political, royal, religious, financial, and corporate autocracy's, tends to stifle ideas and innovation.
Democracies stimulate the competition of ideas.

Universe 1year
Earth 3mo
Life 2.5mo
Dino's lasted 4 days
Oil created 5 days
To evolve from apes 7 hrs
Homo Sapiens so far 10mins
Human history 30secs
1000 years 3secs
I year 3msec
A Very Brief look back
Years ago
100 "0.3 secs"
1000 "3 secs"
10,0000 "30 secs"
100,000 "3mins"
1M "30 mins"
10M "5 hours"
100M "2 days"
1B "1 month"
10 B "1 year"

2100 AD
2020 AD ---------------------------------------CLIMATE CHANGE BECOMES REAL---------------------------------------------------
World Economic Domination
1900 AD
Explosion of knowledge
1766 AD -------------------- SECULAR DEMOCRACIES -------------------------
Slave trade starts-----------------------------------
1620 AD Pilgrims Land Trial of Galileo East India Company
1543 AD Copernicus heliocentricity Gold Temple Kyoto
1492 AD Columbus lands Forbidden City
DVinchi & Michaelangelo
1400 AD ------------------------------------ WORLD WIDE EXPLORATION-------------------------------------------------------------
Sun sacrifice Islamic Samarkand
Sainte Chappelle
Christianity vs. Islam
Worship and dogma celebrated Hinduism Gunpowder, Printing
Nazca Lines Geometry, heliocentricity etc.
300 BC GREEK ENLIGHTENMENT Luxuries , preservatives Terracotta Army
----------------------- TRANS-CONTINENTAL TRADE - SILK ROAD ----------------------
500 BC Judaeism Buddism Compass
Dead Sea Scrolls
Stonehenge, Babylon
Immortality celebrated
Fertile Crescent
Geology Anthropology
10Ky Last ice age ends
30Ky Cave paintings
70Ky Homo-sapiens leaves Africa
200Ky Homo-sapiens appears
400K-10Ky 4 Ice ages
7My Split from great apes
10My Himalayan uplift
50My Ice free world +14C AGE OF MAMMALS
66My Dinosaurs die off K-T extinction
204My Dinosaurs appear after J-T extinction
250My Youngest rocks in Grand Canyon.
300-400My Pangea Oil created from marine life
800My Sponges
1.5By Oldest rocks in Grand Canyon
3.5By Bacteria
4.7By Earth forms LIFE STARTS
“Absolute freedom is the right for the strongest to dominate. Thus, it maintains the conflicts that benefit injustice. Absolute justice passes through the suppression of all contradictions: it destroys freedom. The revolution for justice, for freedom, ends up pitting them against each other”.
Instead, we could create a true system of coexistence and freedom for all. But to achieve this it is necessary for each person to be fully aware of their scale of values, the chosen values that not only guarantee them to live according to their standards, but also guarantee respect for the freedom of the others.
It would be enough to follow the golden rule of ethics: “do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.”
You cant have your freedom at the expense of someone else's
Jonny did it first defence did not work in Elementary School.